EXEDY Group's Sustainability Activities
>We believe it is essential to be a company where every employee can achieve his or her full potential making use of individual differences such as age, nationality or gender. In addition to current efforts, we established our "Diversity Policy" on July 2, 2018 to further promote diversity.
Diversity Policy
Basic Policy
We will continue to grow as a global company, making full use of the abilities of diverse human resources and create new value by increasing our organizational strength.
Course of Action
We aim to be a company that all employees are happy to work for, regardless of their differences in attributes, values, experience, etc.
- We mutually accept and respect each other regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion and beliefs, academic background, possible disabilities and differences in values and experiences.
- With emphasis on dialogue, we will make use of diverse opinions to find better ways.
- All our employees will continue to grow while keeping a professional mindset, and mutually acknowledge each other other’s abilities.
- We respect the work-life balance that each employee aims for.
We will create the environment and structure to make this a reality.
June 28, 2022
Tetsuya Yoshinaga
President & CEO
EXEDY Received New Diversity Management Selection 100 Award
On March 22, 2019, EXEDY has been selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the ‘New Diversity Management Selection 100 Program’. METI selects enterprises that have improved its corporate value through diversity management.
We will further strengthen our efforts to improve diversity.
Diversity Awareness Survey
We have been conducting diversity awareness surveys on our employees in order to grasp the extent diversity awareness has taken hold. The goal is to clarify issues and find a future direction, as we aim to be a company that respects diversity and enables everyone to fulfill their full potential.
Our future activities are linked to the results of the survey.
Diversity Training
Since FY 2019, we provide diversity training to employees in management and supervisory positions. We offer the opportunity to find tips that can be reflected in our daily work in terms of making the most of the capabilities of our diverse workforce.
Women Advancement Initiative
Women Specific Production Line
Our company focuses on creating a comfortable working environment for women. As quality is of vital importance in the manufacturing industry, in various ways we try to incorporate the viewpoints of our female employees. After hearing the opinions of the female workers, we made adjustments to our production line for torque converters, our core product. We created a model line that makes it easy for anyone to work by introducing equipment with height-adjustable operation panels and start switches. We also established a women-only break room.
Introducing Systems to Support Coexistence of Childcare / Nursing Care with Work
We maintain high return-to-work rates and childcare leave rates. We allow employees to shorten their work hours until their children finish third grade of elementary school. Also, support is provided at the start of the leave period and when returning to work. When employees enter maternity and child-care leave, interviews with their superior and human resources representative take place to relieve anxieties about returning to work.
In addition, we distribute the “Before and After Maternity Leave Guidebook” to raise awareness and understanding of necessary procedures and available systems. In the future, to support the generation of double-income households, we have our thoughts set on expanding the childcare leave system to make it available for male employees as well.
Nursing Care
Our employees are able to take nursing leave up to three times for a period of two years, so we can meet the needs of employees living in an aging society.
Work-at-Home System
We introduced a work-at-home system for some employees involved in childcare and nursing care. For those employees who have difficulty coming to work at a given day, we provide an environment where they can continue to work and maximize their abilities.
Percentage of female employees on a global basis
(as of March 2022)
Male employees |
Female employees |
Total |
Ratio |
Male |
(Regular employees) |
Female |
(Regular employees) |
Total |
(Regular employees) |
Ratio |
(Regular employees) |
EXEDY Corporation |
3,071 |
(2,210) |
462 |
(441) |
3,533 |
(2,651) |
13.1% |
(16.6%) |
Consolidated |
12,058 |
(8,848) |
3,682 |
(2,979) |
15,740 |
(11,827) |
23.4% |
(25.2%) |
Employing Foreigners
Currently we employ approx. 700 foreigners from 20 different countries. Working with people with different backgrounds on a daily basis, cultivates a global perspective and way of thinking. Even though nationalities and background of our employees differ, we share our way of thinking, the “EXEDY WAY”. We all cooperate in workplaces such as Accounting, Human Resources, Sales and Development, making full use of our individual strengths.
Global Management Training
The EXEDY Group, with bases all over the world, carries out management training to strengthen the management of overseas production bases and sales companies. The EXEDY WAY, which is the core of our company, embodies our values and way of thinking and leads the way to evolution globally. As managers at the various locations share this way of thinking, we are able to achieve further development.

Plant tour at EXEDY HQ

Participants receive a certificate of completion
Global QC Circle Competition
A creative and entertaining presentation by an overseas QC Circle
QC circle activities (small-scale improvement activities) are carried out at all EXEDY Group companies and bases for the purpose of business improvement activities and promote workplace communication. Every year the best eight circles are selected from all over the world and gather at the head office to compete at the QC Circle Global Competition.
Technical Training System for Employees of Overseas Affiliates
Many employees come to the mother plant in Japan through the Technical Trainee System from affiliated companies in various countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, etc., to polish their technical skills. We established a praying room and displayed multi-language sign boards in the plants, we provide job-specific training, QC lectures and Japanese language education during the weekends. We support the trainees to make sure their training is fruitful, and hold events like intercultural exchange meetings and informal gatherings with company directors.
Employing People with Disabilities
In March 2011 we established EXEDY Sun Co., Ltd., a special subsidiary to create an environment that makes it easier for people with disabilities to make full use of their potential. Including this special subsidiary, the number of employees with disabilities surpasses the legally mandated employment ratio. In addition to our support of their daily work, we hold meetings with hearing impaired employees once every two months, with the help of a sign language interpreter. Using their suggestions we strive to create a better workplace.
Participation of Employees Older than 60
At EXEDY we have a system in place to enable employees to continue their work after reaching retirement age at 60. These employees mainly focus on guiding junior employees and handing down skills and expertise.